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The International Orthodox Christian Charities, in the spirit of Christ’s love, offers emergency relief and development programs to those in need worldwide, without discrimination, and strengthens the capacity of the Orthodox Church to so respond.


To help fulfill the Great Commission of Christ (Matthew 28:16); the Orthodox Christian Mission Center strives to establish vibrant Eucharistic communities throughout the world, to develop and support indigenous church planters, and to strengthen the infrastructure of their churches, OCMS carries out this work primarly, through not solely, in countries where Christianity is in the minority and where the Gospel message has not been proclaimed.


The Orthodox Christian Fellowship is the official collegiate campus ministry of the Orthodox Church here in America. Our mission is to support fellowships on college campuses, whose members experience and witness to the Orthodox Christian Church through community life, prayer, service to others and study of the Faith.


Orthodox Christian Ministry to Prisoners and their loved ones.


Project Mexico has been involving young people in the alleviation of suffering by building homes for Mexico's poor. Hundreds of homes have been built for needy families with the help of nearly 10,000 volunteers. St. Innocent Orphanage in Tijuana provides a home for teenage boys who live on the streets or who have been put out of other orphanages.

ZOE is a non-profit Christ-centered support organization with three major goals; to help women in crisis pregnancy, to assist Orthodox Christian couples seeking to adopt, and to create an Orthodox Christian abstinence program to educate young people.

The Orthodox Christian Association of Medicine, Psychology and Religion exists to foster interdisciplinary dialogue and promote Christian fellowship among helping professionals in medicine, psychology and religion. Members pursue an understanding of the whole person which integrates the basic assumptions of medicine, psychology and religion within the Orthodox Christian faith in educating and serving Church and community. 


Our local YWCA Women's shelter which provides a safe haven for battered and abused women.  It gives them the support they need in a critical time of their lives.

Aurora works with homeless families to provide them with finances and referrals in obtaining affordable housing in our area.
The Evansville Rescue Mission offers shelter and meals for the homeless of our community with a goal of transitioning them into self-viability through classes, job interview preparation and vocational referral.
United Caring Services provides shelter on a nightly basis along with food and haircuts.  Organizations are able to donate their own time as well in preparing meals for the needy.


Having been baptized into Christ, our parish seeks to live out the oneness of our Faith by being a caring, healing community that expresses and preserves the unchanging Tradition of the Orthodox Christian Church. All are welcome to join us in this eternal journey with the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 




3407 Bellemeade Avenue
Evansville, IN 47714


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